Genesis 15:1-6 NIV
[1] After this, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision: “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, a your very great reward. ” [2] But Abram said, “Sovereign Lord, what can you give me since I remain childless and the one who will inherit my estate is Eliezer of Damascus? ” [3] And Abram said, “You have given me no children; so a servant in my household will be my heir.” [4] Then the word of the Lord came to him: “This man will not be your heir, but a son who is your own flesh and blood will be your heir. ” [5] He took him outside and said, “Look up at the sky and count the stars-if indeed you can count them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be.” [6] Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness.
"The Lord ’s word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him." (2 Sam 22: 31)
"But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high." (Ps 3:3)
"May the Lord repay you for what you have done. May you be richly rewarded by the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge .” (Ruth 2: 12)
"He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun." (Ps 37: 6)
Yesterday we saw how God addressed Abram's unspoken fears. He knows our feelings, He cares about our emotions. The question is: why was Abram fearful? What was troubling him?
Again we look back to chapter 14 and see two main events.
First of all there was the battle with neighbouring Kings to rescue his nephew Lot. No matter how brave we are, and how victorious we finish, conflict takes its toll on us. Plus there was a very real possibility that those Abram had fought would return for revenge.
Then there was the interaction with the two Kings from Salem and Sodom. The King of Sodom offered Abram great wealth and resources, but he turned it down. He wanted to ensure that God alone got any glory for the prosperity in his life.
So he is vulnerable following a battle and he has refused wealth.
Now, again read how God describes Himself to Abram:
"Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, a your very great reward." (v 1)
God is saying, "Whatever you are lacking right now, that's what I am for you. You feel vulnerable from enemy attack. Don't worry, I am your shield, I will protect you. You feel like you have sacrificed wealth for righteousness. I am your reward, I will provide for all your needs. Right now in this moment Abram, I am everything that you need me to be for you."
And so it is for us, God is everything we most need Him to be today. Notice, I didn't say He is everything we want Him to be. He is all we need Him to be.
If you are broken, He is your healer.
If you are discouraged, He is the lifter of your head.
If you are alone, He is your friend and companion.
If you are weak, He is your strength.
If you are feeling guilt and shame, He is your saviour and righteousness.
If you are feeling distant, He is the good shepherd who goes after the lost sheep.
Tell God your deepest needs today and ask Him to be what you most need in this moment.