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    THE THRESHOLD | 100 Days of Prophetic Keys and Biblical Insights for Crossing Over in 2024



    The dawn of an era. A tipping point in history. And it’s bringing massive global and personal transition.

    Everything has shifted. And the change isn’t stopping.

    It has been unnerving and unsettling. At times, it feels like one long, dark hallway with no clear end in sight.

    So many people feel stuck or delayed. Perhaps you are one of them.

    You’re struggling to find direction and clarity for the future.

    You know what you don’t want. You’re just not sure where God is leading you.

    There has been a stripping away in your life. You’ve surrendered so much. But now, you’re not sure how to rebuild.

    Perhaps your relationships have changed. People have exited your life. But you’ve struggled to form new connections. And so, there’s been a long season of loneliness and isolation.

    It can be disorientating and discouraging. You’re ready for change and movement. You’ve been ready for a long time! You’re clinging onto your faith, but you also feel frustrated.

    As journey through 2024, I believe you are going to experience a divine acceleration.

    It’s almost as if you have been in a spiritual metamorphosis. Now you’re emerging from the cocoon.

    As you come out of hiding, things are going to move quickly.

    You’ll come out of limbo and find fresh momentum.

    Doors will open and opportunities will be presented.

    God has been repositioning and realigning His people for His purposes.

    And you are a part of His sovereign plan.

    In THE THRESHOLD, Craig Cooney will take you on a 100-day journey to help you navigate 2024 with prophetic wisdom, clarity, and direction.

    This daily devotional will help you navigate the unseen turns that lie ahead and discern what the Lord is doing in this season.

    You’ll be equipped with Biblical insights and real-life examples to walk with increasing confidence, spiritual authority, and anointing.

    And you’ll develop the discipline of spending time in God’s Word each day as you use this 100-day devotional as a tool for personal prayer and hearing from God.



    During the 100-day journey, we will look at the following:

    • Navigating transition and new seasons.

    • Recognizing when the grace has lifted.

    • Dealing with uncertainty.

    • Stepping out of stuck.

    • Hearing God in transition.

    • Relationships and realignment.

    • Transition and identity.

    • What is God doing in this season?

    • Where are we going?

    • Practical and prophetic wisdom for decision-making.

    • Avoiding the enemy’s snares.

    • Prayer and prophetic decrees.

    • Receiving God’s provision.

    • Warfare and weariness.

    • Discerning your future.

    • And much more...

    If you liked The Tension of Transition, SPIRIT SPEAK, or THE BLUEPRINT, I think you’ll love THE THRESHOLD.


    As I have done with all of my previous books, I am inviting you to join me on the journey of writing THE THRESHOLD.

    Each day of THE THRESHOLD begins with a carefully selected Scripture reading followed by 7-8 pages of Bible insights, prophetic wisdom, and personal examples. You can read each chapter in 5-7 minutes, setting you up for each day.

    Please Note: You are not purchasing a paperback book here. You are signing up to join me in the process of writing THE THRESHOLD.


    If you would like to sign up for ‘THE THRESHOLD, all you have to do is go HERE.

    Or if in the UK HERE.

    Or Australia HERE.

    Click the "I WANT THIS!" button.

    When you do, here's what happens next:

    • Start by entering the number '19' in the empty box at the bottom of this page.

    • If you have been especially blessed by 'Daily Prophetic' and want to contribute more, you'll be able to do that. Simply enter the amount you wish to give.

    • You'll be taken to a purchase page where you must enter your payment details.

    • You can securely pay using your debit/credit card or PayPal.

    • After payment, you’ll receive an email receipt from ‘Gumroad’.

    • You’ll receive an edited copy of the E-book in PDF format.



    THE BLUEPRINT: 40 Days of Prophetic Wisdom, Insights, and Direction for a New Era





    THE BLUEPRINT: THE BLUEPRINT: 30 Days of Prophetic Wisdom, Insights, and Direction for a New Era


    The nations and systems of the earth continue to be shaken.

    The virus. War. Economic instability. Rising prices. Food shortages. Supply chain issues. Division. Gender identity issues. Cancel culture. Sifting in the church... and more...

    Life feels unstable and the future is uncertain.

    However, GOD'S PLAN IS UNFOLDING - and YOU are a part of it.

    He has a prophetic 'BLUEPRINT' to help you find clear direction, build a firm future, and flourish.


    At the end of 2019, I received and released a clear prophetic word for 2020. Among many other things, this was part of what the Lord spoke to me:

    “The key word that I keep getting over and over again for 2020 is "PIVOTAL". The next 12 months will be absolutely pivotal and I believe this will be the most significant year of the last 50 years. It is a “tipping point” year - a year when everything that has been happening since the year 2000 culminates and climaxes.
The next 12 months will also shape the next decade.”

    At the time, I honestly had no idea of the significance of that word.

    Within a few months, it began to unfold in ways that would turn our world and our lives upside-down.

    So much so, that I don’t even need to describe in detail all that’s taken place in just two years. You’ve lived through it.

    Everything has changed… and it is not going back to the way it was before 2020.

    We are not just living in a new season. We are experiencing the first season of a whole new era.

    This is a defining decade.

    The intense shifting and shaking have been birthing something new….in the world…and in your life.

    It’s uncertain and deeply unsettling.

    But it’s also a ‘kairos’ moment of unique opportunity that will shape your future.

    To navigate this time of unprecedented challenge and change, we need ‘real-time’ wisdom, direction, and prophetic revelation.



    God has purposely positioned you here at a monumental turning point in history.

    And yet, like many people, you may feel stuck. Almost trapped in transition.

    You have sacrificed and surrendered.

    You’ve been stripped back.

    You’ve let stuff go.

    You’ve broken off relationships.

    You’ve walked away from places and people.

    Some things have died.

    And while it was painful, you knew it was right.

    You believed that God had more for you.

    But now, nothing is happening.

    God seems silent.

    You have prophecies and promises that you’re desperately clinging to.

    But, you’re struggling.

    It’s been too long.

    The warfare has been relentless.

    You’re so weary.

    You feel directionless.

    Frustration is growing.

    It’s like you’re waiting for something – but you’re not sure what you’re waiting for.

    You may even feel spiritually numb and emotionally disconnected.

    What do you do?

    Where do you go?

    What steps can you take to move forward to the next stage, place, and people God has waiting for you?

    The reality is - these are unfamiliar paths. We have never been this way before. And old maps won’t help you to navigate this new territory.

    You are going to need ‘real-time’ wisdom from the Holy Spirit.

    That is what I believe ‘THE BLUEPRINT’ will be - a daily guide offering prophetic wisdom, insights, and direction to help you fully enter into God’s good future with confidence, clarity, and certainty.

    INTRODUCING ‘THE BLUEPRINT: 40 Days of Prophetic Wisdom, Insights, and Direction for a New Era’.

    In the Bible, we are told that the sons of Issachar stood out in their time because they “understood the times and knew what Israel should do.” (1 Chronicles 12:32)

    This tribe had a prophetic advantage - a unique divine discernment - of the era they were living in. Thus, they were able to prosper, advance, increase, and experience God’s blessing in an unusual way.

    Similarly, I fully believe God has made available everything you need to stand firm, advance, and flourish in this time of unprecedented shaking and uncertainty.

    ‘THE BLUEPRINT’, is a 40-day prophetic devotional. It is my best attempt to express and impart what God is showing me about the times we are living in.

    With a combination of important, relevant Scriptures, Holy Spirit revelation, personal experiences, and the wisdom of other prophetic voices, through reading ‘THE BLUEPRINT’ you will gain an understanding of what is happening in you and around you. It will equip you to respond with divine strategies, practical steps, and a prophetic advantage.


    Over 40 devotional chapters, together, we will explore:


    • Where are we currently on God’s timeline?

    • Why is there so much shaking and shifting of the old structures? Is God behind it all?

    • In the coming days, can we expect to see more wars, a financial collapse, increased natural disasters, another pandemic - or even a global world totalitarian government?

    • Are we experiencing the “birth pangs“ of the last days that Jesus spoke about in Matthew 24?

    • What is the “Great Reset”?

    • And much more…


    • I have so many decisions to make - but I’m really struggling to hear God’s voice or find clarity. How can I receive ‘real-time’ revelation for my everyday life?

    • I know God has more for me - but I feel so stuck. How can I move forward?

    • How do I deal with delay? I’m so weary of waiting…

    • How do I see the prophetic words and promises spoken over my life come to fulfillment?

    • Is God repositioning me? How important is the ‘right environment' to the fulfillment of destiny?

    • What is God’s process of promotion? Why do some people seem to experience greater favor than others?

    • I feel like my passions have changed but my primary gifts and calling are the same. How do I redeploy them for Kingdom purposes?

    • How important are personal holiness and a fear of the Lord in this season?

    • I know God had called me, but how do I find my unique “voice“?

    • How can I increase the level of anointing and spiritual authority upon my life?

    • How can I birth God’s promises for my future through prophetic decrees?

    • And much more…


    • Why do I feel disconnected, and even isolated, from people and things I used to love?

    • Why are so many people around me moving and relocating? Should I move? If so, how will I know where to go?

    • How do I find my ‘tribe’ - the people that God is aligning me with in this next season?

    • How do I break off previous alignments that God is calling me away from?

    • How do I place boundaries around relationships that are no longer life-giving or fruitful? Especially if they are close friends or even family members?

    • Who are the 6 key voices that God places in my life to help me discern and step into my destiny?

    • And much more…


    • What is God doing in His church in this time of upheaval, exposure of immoral leadership, and dismantling of old ways?

    • Are we witnessing the end of the ‘celebrity pastor’, seeker-sensitive churches, even the megachurch?

    • What does the new wineskin look like? How do we reconfigure and reshape the church biblically and effectively for this new era?

    • What must we hold onto and where can we be flexible?

    • How can I be part of the rising, radical remnant in the ‘new wineskin’ that is emerging?

    • Are we on the brink of a revival, reformation, or awakening?

    • What does Kingdom leadership look like in this new era? Who is God raising up?

    • What is the ‘changing of the guard’ we are seeing in leadership? How do I stay aligned with God's purposes in this hour?

    • How is worship changing? What kind of new sound is God birthing in His church?

    • What pioneering and prophetic voices is God raising up in this new era?

    • And much more…


    • Are we living in the last days?

    • Where is it all leading? What lies ahead? What are the signs to watch out for?

    • Are we moving towards a completely digital/cashless system? What about digital IDs as a form of government control?

    • How do I find the confidence to stand firm in times of intense opposition and resistance?

    • How do I protect my family, relationships, and finances in these days of worldwide turbulence?

    • With so much confusion around sexuality and gender identity – how can I live and speak the truth while still showing the love of Christ?

    • What about the “climate crisis“? And food shortages?

    • How can I prepare for the next 5–8 years?

    • And much more….

    We are standing at the dawn of a new era. Everything is shifting. The earth is groaning for the sons and daughters of God to be revealed.

    We don’t need pre-packaged, out-of-date directions.

    We require fresh manna - practical prophetic wisdom and insights for each day.

    We need real-time revelation.

    That is what I believe ‘THE BLUEPRINT’ will be for you.

    Each chapter has been birthed in prayer and prophetic discernment, offering direction, encouragement, and empowerment for the unfamiliar path that we are all on right now.



    The first draft of THE BLUEPRINT is now complete and available as a PDF E-book.

    Each chapter has 8-10 pages of prophetic revelation, key insights into current events, relevant personal experiences, important wisdom from other voices, significant Scriptures, and practical steps to flourish in this next era.

    It will take around 10 minutes to read each chapter.

    THE BLUEPRINT is different from my other four books, yet has similarities with them all.

    It is prophetic and personal, relevant and relatable, honest and vulnerable, as well as challenging and thought-provoking.

    Most of all, I believe it is TRANSFORMATIONAL.

    At the end of this 40-day journey, you will have fresh clarity and confidence to step into God’s good future.

    You will be able to stand firm and flourish as the shaking intensifies.

    You will understand this new era from a prophetic perspective and be better able to discern what God is doing around you.

    And you will be equipped and empowered to be part of the great harvest that we can expect to see as God’s Spirit is poured out.





    A 50-Day Journey Through the Book of Revelation

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    Everything has changed. And it’s not going back to ‘normal’.

    2020 was a pivotal year in reshaping and redefining life on earth as we know it.

    While so-called ‘conspiracy theories’ abound, it would be difficult for anyone to dispute that a huge amount has happened in the past 12 months to set the stage for the events we see painted in the book of Revelation.

    In ‘When the Lamb Roars’, I will take you through the book of Revelation, chapter-by-chapter, showing you what the vision meant to Christians in the first century and then exploring how it applies to us today.

    We will examine different major viewpoints and I will share what I believe to be the most likely interpretation of some of the most disputed passages.

    Sadly, too many Christians have based their end-time beliefs around popular books such as ‘Left Behind’ rather than on what we read in the Scriptures.

    Over this 10-week devotional study, we will look at

    • Does the book of Revelation apply to my life today or was it simply written for those in the first century?

    • What is the tribulation? What should I expect to happen in the last days?

    • Do believers go through the tribulation or does God take us out of it?

    • Is the ‘rapture’ biblical? If so, when does it happen?

    • What is the mark of the beast and how can I apply Godly wisdom so that I don't receive the mark?

    • How can I avoid deception?

    • Who or what is the antichrist?

    • Who is the dragon and the beast? How will I recognize them?

    • What about the one-world system and one-world religion?

    • What are the signs we will see before Jesus returns?

    • What about the Millennium? Is it a literal 1000 years or is it speaking about something else?

    • What will Heaven be like?

    • What will happen to Satan and demons?

    • What is the fate of unbelievers?

    • How can I prepare now for the events I read about in Revelation?

    • How can I stand firm until the end?

    Along with so much more…




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    God has already been speaking to you today....

    ….about your future and his plans for you.

    ….about your friends and family.

    ….about the people around you.

    ….about his work in the world.

    Have you heard him?

    Do you understand what he is saying to you? 

    We live in incredibly unusual and uncertain times. Everything is being shaken. So much change is happening. 

    To effectively navigate through this season and flourish, very believer must know how to hear God's voice and interpret what He is saying.

    I HEAR YAHWEH is a 30-day journey to help you recognize how God is speaking to you right now.

    You see, our God is not silent. It is His nature to speak. It is His deepest desire that you hear and understand and act on what He is saying.

    But I have found that many Christians simply don’t know how to recognize or understand the many ways God is communicating with them.

    Or when they do hear Him speak, they don’t know how to interpret what He is saying so they can take the appropriate action and move forward into the good future He has for them.

    I was exactly the same.

    For many years I stumbled about in the dark trying so desperately to hear God speak to me. I though I had to sit in a room, all alone, in silence for hours and then I might be one of the privileged few who would hear from Heaven. I became very intense about it and even believed that it was because of my lack of devotion or even sin that God was staying quiet.

    Maybe if I prayed more…. or fasted…. or was more obedient…. or sacrificed more…. 

    I was so determined to know God’s will and what He was saying.

    Then, over a period of around a year, God began to show me His ways of communicating with His people.

    Through a fresh study of prophecy in the Bible, many interactions with prophetic people, stepping out and making mistakes, reading and studying many books from seasoned prophets, praying with and ministering to hundreds of people in various settings, and a year of intense spiritual warfare in our own family situation, God revealed to me how he was speaking to me every day. 

    Even more than that, He showed me how I could understand and properly interpret the words, pictures, dreams, visions and other things He was showing me.

    Since that time it has been the greatest joy and privilege to share what God is saying to other people. I have watched as a prophetic word has unlocked destiny, brought healing from the past, provided direction in times of confusion, spoken hope into times of fear and uncertainty, and helped me in my own walk to discern where God was leading me and my family.

    In the last few years I have also sought to break down and ‘demystify’ the prophetic. 

    For many people hearing God speaks can seem so inaccessible and confined to ‘the chosen few’. That couldn’t be further from the truth. It is the birthright of every single child of God to hear His voice on an ongoing basis. I have made it my mission to attempt to break down exactly what is going on in my mind, heart and even my whole body when God is speaking to me. I so want every believer to really grasp how easy it is to hear from God.

    That is why I wrote: I HEAR YAHWEH: A 30 Day Journey into the Prophetic.

    Over 30 short chapters made up of Scripture, personal experiences (and mistakes!) and the wisdom of others you will learn:

    • How God has been speaking to you, but you haven’t realized it.

    • The many, many ways God speaks to you every day.

    • How to know if it’s really God speaking, or simply you making it up (or even the enemy trying to deceive you).

    • How God spoke throughout Scripture to and through less-than-perfect people.

    • How and when to share a word from God with someone else.

    • How to interpret pictures, dreams and visions.

    • How to speak God’s Word over your life to reshape your future.

    • What to do when you get it wrong.

    • The prophetic personality – challenges and struggles prophetic people face.

    • The place of journaling and writing down what you’re sensing the Spirit say.

    • How worship and speaking in tongues can help release the prophetic in your life.

    • The difference between personal prophecy and speaking God’s word into a wider situation.

    • How to use all of your senses to discern God speaking.

    • How to grow and develop in your prophetic ability.

    Each chapter can be read in around 10 minutes a day.

    By the end of this 30 day journey, you will be amazed at how much you begin to recognize and understand God speaking to you in very ordinary as well as supernatural ways.

    To join me on this journey of exploring the prophetic and how God is speaking to you, simply click on the link below and follow the instructions.





    My two books below carry much of the same spirit and feel that you will read in my Daily Prophetic social media posts, only written in a more detailed, personal and practical format.

    If you like Daily Prophetic on Instagram or Facebook, I KNOW these books will speak to you and help you progress into the incredible future I believe God has for your life.

    Hundreds of people like you have been deeply impacted and transformed by both books. You can read some of their feedback below.

    You can purchase and download them by clicking on any of the links below.







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    Have you been sensing that there is a SHIFT OF SEASONS in your life? An INNER STIRRING that something is changing?

    That God is taking you into SOMETHING NEW, even perhaps a new physical location?

    But you aren't sure what the 'new thing' is or how you can get there?

    You're UNSETTLED and UNSURE what the future holds. But you know there's MORE.

    Maybe you're WAITING ON GOD for BREAKTHROUGH in some area - a job, finances, a relationship? You're feeling STUCK and FRUSTRATED because nothing is happening.

    Or you're praying and longing to see His PROMISES or PROPHETIC WORDS fulfilled in your life?

    That's exactly where I found myself just a few years ago.

    I was in the 'IN-BETWEEN'.

    I was really trying to trust God and cling to what He had spoken to me, but I was feeling unsure, insecure and anxious about the future. I sensed there was more on 'the other side' - I just had no idea what that 'more' was or how God would get me there!

    Let me tell you a bit about myself.


    My name is Craig Cooney, I'm 44 years old, married to Becky and we have a little boy (7), called Elijah. I've also been a full-time pastor since 2006.

    In May 2016, I walked away from leading of the largest and fastest growing churches in our country (Ireland).

    On the outside, I looked like a happy, successful pastor with a wonderful, perfect family.

    Inside I was exhausted and empty.

    We knew we had to leave where we were. God had made that clear.

    The problem was - we had nowhere or nothing to go to.

    It was like I'd closed one door because I knew there was another door ahead which would open.

    But at the time I was stuck in the hallway in-between. A dark, lonely, long hallway!

    This was the beginning of a season of transition for us. A season which lasted almost 3 years.

    I didn't know it then, but I was experiencing what I now call 'THE TENSION OF TRANSITION'.

    That's what this book is about:

    THE TENSION OF TRANSITION: 30 Days To Help You Navigate From ‘Here’ To Your ‘Promised Land’.

    In it I take you on a journey through our transition, and in 30 chapters I explore some of the lessons I learned during this prolonged and often difficult season.

    These 30 chapters are full of prophetic insight, personal stories, Scripture, illustrations, inspiration and helpful wisdom to help you fully embrace all that God wants to do in you and through you.

    Some of the subjects covered are:

    • What is transition and how can I identify it in my life?
    • Signs of shifting seasons.
    • Hearing the voice of God.
    • Necessary Endings: how to know when it’s time to move on.
    • Waiting on God when Heaven seems silent.
    • How to recognize and enter into the 'new thing' God wants to do in your life.
    • Stepping out of those places where you are stuck.
    • Open and Closed Doors.
    • Experiencing and following God's favor.
    • Identity - Seeing yourself as God sees you.
    And much more.

    This book is 300 pages of inspiring, helpful, practical, encouraging, perspective-shifting, soul-stirring material that will help you move into your next season.

    (The Ebook also includes an additional book 'The Missing Chapters'. There are 8 chapters from the original draft which weren't included in the final edit. These 129 pages include teaching on abundance and financial provision, healing, favor, risk-taking, expectation and much more. You'll automatically receive these when you purchase 'The Tension of Transition.' ebook.)

    If you would like to order the book, all you have to do is CLICK THE LINK BELOW


    Here is just some of the completely genuine, unsolicited feedback from those who have read the book.

    “I can't begin to tell you even with tears streaming down my face how thankful I am for you book."
    Your book is so freakishly appropriate for where I am today....You even recently called out a breakthrough that brought me out of a grieving season and into fresh light, literally the same day.”
    “This book is so on time!”
    "I can't start to explain how timely your book is and how much God is confirming my season. I am so encouraged and very blessed reading your and your family's journey of transition.”
    “Your book is so applicable to the season I am in right now!”
    “Your book has opened a flood gate of revelation!! I’ve allowed FEAR to cripple me from making a move to trust God for HIS best in my life....."
    "Thank you soooo much for your book! I’m so grateful God has used your personal struggles in Transition to help those of us in the wilderness!!....God Bless you!"
    “Oh my gosh I love this! So beautiful.”
    “I feel like a different person after reading it.”
    "Honestly, we eagerly await every day’s chapter, and every day it feels like you are writing just for us...your words are saving and bringing life...."
    “I really couldn’t articulate what I was experiencing until I read your book. Thank you.”
    “ Everything written aligns prophetically with my life. You’re like the pastor that I don’t have at this moment.”
    “I feel like I know you well because you have been refreshingly open in your writing.”
    “I have heard God speak and confirm so much!....God has used your story in my current season and I thank God for every small detail.”
    “I can’t put your book down!”



    Have you ever read or heard a prophetic word  - perhaps online or in a book - and you knew it was just for you?  It could have been written at a different time, and even for someone else, but, in that moment, the Holy Spirit applied it directly to your situation.  It became God's NOW word for your life.

    That is what I believe SPIRIT SPEAK will be for you. 

    For 100 days in Spring/Summer 2019, I set aside two hours each day, simply to ask the Lord what He wanted to communicate with His people in this particular season.  What was on His heart?  What was He showing us?  What about Himself did He long to reveal? How was He at work in our lives?

    I then took time to carefully write down what I sensed He was saying and compiled it with specifically selected Scriptures and some personal reflections/devotions.

    That process has now become 'SPIRIT SPEAK: 100 DAYS OF DAILY PROPHETIC'.

    This book is 100 daily prophetic words of encouragement, inspiration, insight, warning, and motivation.

    Each post is followed by selected, relevant Scripture verses for meditation and declaration, followed by a short approximately 500-word reflection from me including personal stories and Biblical examples.

    The first draft of SPIRIT SPEAK is now complete and is around 680 pages!

    Hundreds of people have written to me to let me know that through every page God spoke directly to them.

    Start each day with a word from God, along with carefully selected Scriptures and personal reflections and insights.

    You can PURCHASE IT NOW and download 100 days of Daily Prophetic words, inspiration, Scriptures and personal stories IMMEDIATELY.


    (Immediately downloadable 673 page PDF E-book of prophetic words, personal reflections, scripture and insights.)


    Here is just a sample of the FEEDBACK I have received so far from those who are reading SPIRIT SPEAK:

    “Your Spirit Speak words have certainly helped both my husband and myself make sense of a seemingly senseless situation!”

    “Every word speaks of my current situation.”

    “I was wondering why I was feeling the way you have described here. I couldnt understand. Now I know why. Thank you for helping me.”

    “I have no words to express how inspiring your emails are to me right now. You speak to my heart and soul especially for the season that I am going through in my life right now, and I feel the Holy spirit every time I read.”

    “Oh my! This is so so spot-on! Thanks so much for this word.”

    “Craig this is so in tune to what my life feels like....THANK YOU Craig - you explain things in such a way that, we feel the emotions and the chaos but aren't always, sure how to explain our thoughts. You summed it up perfectly.”

    “Your prophetic words have been like bread to me in this whole entire season. It has given me hope and strength to continue to trust and hope in the Lord. I wanted to share with you because your very words have caused a release in our situation as well. Thank you Thank you Thank you!”

    “I have no words to express how inspiring your emails are to me right now. You speak to my heart and soul especially for the season that I am going through in my life right now, and I feel the Holy Spirit every time I read.”

    “I’ve been SPEECHLESS!!! All I can say right now is...Thank you!”“Thank you so much!!! You and both books have been heaven sent!!”

    “Craig, I cannot begin to tell you how much these Spirit Speak emails bless me each and every day. It’s like God is speaking directly to me about everything I’m going through, praying for and believing. Today was no different, it brought me to tears. Thank you for being obedient to the Holy Spirit.”

    “Every word is such a confirmation!!”