MENTORSHIP | Starts May 20th 2024


Transition is often confusing, frustrating, and disorientating.

It’s difficult to know what steps to take to get to the next stage or place God is leading you. You can feel stuck.

It can also be a lonely time. It’s hard to find people who understand what you’re walking through.

Perhaps you’re struggling to hear God in the middle of this transition.

I want to help you find clarity and prophetic direction.

That’s why I developed the PROPHETIC TRANSITIONS Mentorship Course.


Do any of the following describe your current situation:

  • Are you navigating a significant transition right now in some area of your life, work, relationships, family, ministry, etc.?

  • You sense it’s time to move on from a role / job / ministry / relationship, but you’re not sure if it’s the right time or what steps to take.

  • Does it feel as if you’re standing at a threshold, on the cusp of something new?

  • Maybe you’re feeling stuck and you need prophetic insight. You’re struggling to discern what’s next?

  • Perhaps you’re not sure what you’re calling is - or how to figure it out.

  • Or you’re disappointed and weary in waiting for God to keep His promises. You’re feeling a little insecure and vulnerable.

  • Maybe you have some sense of where you’re going - but you’re just not sure what steps to take to get there. You need a roadmap - a blueprint.

  • Or you’re sensing a shift in some area of your life - but you don’t know what to do.

  • You know there’s more - and you’re dissatisfied and even bored with your current state.

  • You want to hear God’s voice with greater clarity and precision.

  • You want to leave where you are - but you don’t have the resources or finances to walk away.

  • You’re struggling with relationships - even loneliness. You don’t connect with people like you used to. But you’re finding it hard to find new alignments and friendships who you can relate to.

  • Or some relationships are draining you and you’re not sure how to reset them to a healthy state.

If you said ‘yes’ to one or more of these, the PROPHETIC TRANSITIONS seven-week mentoring community is for you.



Starting on Monday 20th May 2024, each week we will gather for around 1.5 hours online (via Zoom) to explore the following subjects:

WEEK 1 | Journeying through the major stages of any transition.

WEEK 2 | Knowing when to move on and Leaving Well

WEEK 3 | Navigating relational transitions, tensions, and boundaries.

WEEK 4 | Hearing God’s voice with clarity in transition.

WEEK 5 | Getting unstuck and finding a way forward through confusion and uncertainty.

WEEK 6 | The key voices that God sends that impact your future.

WEEK 7 | Clarifying your calling & knowing what to do next.

PLUS: There will be a bonus session during the course on WRITING AND PUBLISHING A BOOK. I believe many of you are called to write. I want to help you figure out where to start.


  • We will gather online (via Zoom) each week for a 90-minute community session with teaching, prophetic ministry, conversation, and Q&A.

  • During the week you will also receive devotionals and prophetic insight related to the subjects we are covering.

  • The Prophetic Transitions community will meet at two different times each week to accommodate those in the different time zones of UK, USA, and Australia. (These will be morning and evening in the UK.)

  • If you miss a session, it will be recorded and made available on a dedicated community site.

This will not be a large group. I want to personally interact with the members and address your personal questions and contexts.

I will lift the cover on transitions exploring the messiness, confusion, and dislocation they bring.

I will share my own experiences - the good, the bad, and the ugly - getting vulnerable and raw about the tensions that transitions can bring in relationships, ministry, marriage, etc.

I will also ask hard questions and provoke you to step courageously into the next place and stage that God is opening up.



The investment for all seven weeks of the Prophetic Transitions Mentorship Community is:

$299 US (for seven weeks)

£239 UK (for seven weeks)

449 AUS$ (for seven weeks)

275 EUROS (for seven weeks)

Please only sign up to be a part of this community if you are serious about navigating through transition, getting unstuck, being equipped for what’s next, and taking action to step into the ‘new’.

If you’re ready to be part of Prophetic Transitions


IMPORTANT: PLACES ARE LIMITED. The first cohort of PROPHETIC TRANSITIONS was oversubscribed within 3 days.

(Unless all the spaces fill before then, registration for this second cohort of Prophetic Transitions closes on Monday 13th May 2024.)


Craig Cooney | Daily Prophetic